Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Keeping Blog Amidst the Changes

So I wasn't sure what to do with this blog.  Originally I used this to post digital and traditional scrapbooking ideas associated to my job as a Creative Memories consultant.

I haven't posted here since November because I wasn't sure how to utilize the blog but I do plan to continue with it- tho. slightly changed.

If you have no idea why I have to make adjustments, it's because the company that I worked for as a consultant for 11 years is NO MORE.  Yep - if you don't already know this, Creative Memories has ceased to exist.  It has sort of been replaced by a spin off company Ahni and Zoe.  At this time, I am still a consultant with Ahni and Zoe.  All consultants had the opportunity to migrate to the new company.

However, Ahni and Zoe is a vastly different company than Creative Memories with respect to its products and services so I'm not quite sure how or if the new off-shoot will fit into my life - I'm still pondering that.

I do want to inform any faithful blog followers that I still plan to use this blog to inspire you to organize and preserve your family's photo memories as well as offer you resources for doing things with your photos.  I would like to address as many options as I can and explore more as I find and try them.

For now, my next post will tell you a bit about Ahni and Zoe - about what it is and what it isn't - about how I will utilize it and how I will not - about what it will offer and how to take advantages (or not) of those offerings.  First things first, I will re-design my blog to more reflect its new purpose without taking away the vast resources of scrapbook information that it already contains.

Stay tuned, in the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger..."I'll be bahk"

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